Package-level declarations


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Utility methods used to read/write a NetworkResponse from/to the disk cache.

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Controls the behavior around reading/writing responses from/to the disk cache.

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Determines if the device is able to access the internet.

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Exception for an unexpected, non-2xx HTTP response.

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interface NetworkClient

An asynchronous HTTP client that executes NetworkRequests and returns NetworkResponses.

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class NetworkFetcher(url: String, options: Options, networkClient: Lazy<NetworkClient>, diskCache: Lazy<DiskCache?>, cacheStrategy: Lazy<CacheStrategy>, connectivityChecker: ConnectivityChecker) : Fetcher

A Fetcher that fetches and caches images from the network.

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A list of HTTP headers.

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class NetworkRequest(val url: String, val method: String = HTTP_METHOD_GET, val headers: NetworkHeaders = NetworkHeaders.EMPTY, val body: NetworkRequestBody? = null, val extras: Extras = Extras.EMPTY)

Represents an HTTP request.

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class NetworkResponse(val code: Int = HTTP_RESPONSE_OK, val requestMillis: Long = 0, val responseMillis: Long = 0, val headers: NetworkHeaders = NetworkHeaders.EMPTY, val body: NetworkResponseBody? = null, val delegate: Any? = null)

Represents an HTTP response.

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Set the HTTP request body for any network operations performed by this image request.

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Set the HTTP request headers for any network operations performed by this image request.

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Set the HTTP request method for any network operations performed by this image request.

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