Package-level declarations
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class AnimatedImageDecoder(source: ImageSource, options: Options, enforceMinimumFrameDelay: Boolean = SDK_INT < 34) : Decoder
A Decoder that uses ImageDecoder to decode GIFs, animated WebPs, and animated HEIFs.
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An interface for making transformations to an animated image's pixel data.
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class GifDecoder(source: ImageSource, options: Options, enforceMinimumFrameDelay: Boolean = true) : Decoder
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class MovieDrawable @JvmOverloads constructor(movie: Movie, val config: Bitmap.Config = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888, val scale: Scale = Scale.FIT) : Drawable, Animatable2Compat
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Represents the opacity of an image's pixels after applying an AnimatedTransformation.
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fun ImageRequest.Builder.animatedTransformation(animatedTransformation: AnimatedTransformation?): <Error class: unknown class>
Set the AnimatedTransformation that will be applied to the result if it is an animated Drawable.
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Set the callback to be invoked at the end of the animation if the result is an animated Drawable.
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Set the callback to be invoked at the start of the animation if the result is an animated Drawable.
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Set the number of times to repeat the animation if the result is an animated Drawable.