Package-level declarations


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sealed interface Dimension

Represents either the width or height of a Size.

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Represents the required precision for the size of an image in an image request.

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enum Scale : Enum<Scale>

An ImageRequest's scale determines how the source image is scaled to fit into the Size returned by ImageRequest.sizeResolver.

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class ScaleDrawable @JvmOverloads constructor(val child: Drawable, val scale: <Error class: unknown class> = Scale.FIT) : Drawable, Drawable.Callback, Animatable

A Drawable that centers and scales its child to fill its bounds.

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data class Size(val width: Dimension, val height: Dimension)

Represents the target size of an image request.

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fun interface SizeResolver

An interface for measuring the target size for an image request.

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interface ViewSizeResolver<T : View>

A SizeResolver that measures the size of a View.


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Return true if this size is equal to Size.ORIGINAL. Else, return false.


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Create a Dimension.Pixels value with px number of pixels.

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inline fun Dimension.pxOrElse(block: () -> Int): Int

If this is a Dimension.Pixels value, return its pixel value. Else, invoke and return the value from block.

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fun Size(width: Dimension, height: Int): Size

Create a Size with a pixel value for height.

fun Size(width: Int, height: Dimension): Size

Create a Size with a pixel value for width.

fun Size(width: Int, height: Int): Size

Create a Size with pixel values for both width and height.

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Create a SizeResolver with a fixed size.

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fun <T : View> ViewSizeResolver(view: T, subtractPadding: Boolean = true): ViewSizeResolver<T>

Create a ViewSizeResolver using the default View measurement implementation.